Стекловолокно E Glass And C Glass 200 гр.

E Glass And C Glass 200g Fiberglass Woven Roving Fiberglass Cloth with high quality and good price

The Fiberglass Plain Weave Fabric is a fabric woven in plain method with E-glass or C-glass roving.It is also named “E-glass or C-glass Roving Cloth.”

E-Glass And C Glass 200g 7.05oz 90cm Width White Fiberglass Woven Roving

Fabric Woven Roving Fiberglass Cloth 200g

The Fiberglass Plain Weave Fabric is a fabric woven in plain method with E-glass or C-glass roving.It is also named “E-glass or C-glass Roving Cloth.”The fabric could beeasily impregnated with resin and it comes out with high adhesion strength;additionally this fabric is with high performance in chemical-corrosion resistance,fire  resistance,heat resistance, and durability.So as it is widely used in GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics) industry and other  chemical-corrosion,fire resistance and heat resistance material and projects.


Цвет Белые, черные и т.д.
Материал Стекловолокно
Тип плетения Плетеные изделия
Тип пряжи E Glass
Функция Теплоизоляция наружных стен, гидроизоляция кровли.
Ширина 0,9 м, 1,0 м, 1,3 м и т.д.
Длина 100 м, 150 м, 200 м и т.д.
Вес 200 г, 400 г, 600 г, 800 г и т.д.

Product Properties

1. Bidirectional fabric made by direction roving in plain weave pattern.
2. Compatible with unsaturated polyester, vinyl resin, epoxy resin.
3. Applicable for hand lay-up, winding and compress molding process, suitable for manufacturing tank, boat, automobile parts, and other FRP product.

Плетеный ровинг из стекловолокна имеет множество преимуществ

(1) Стеклоткань обладает большей прочностью на разрыв, чем стальная проволока того же диаметра.
(2) Отличная огне- и термостойкость.
(3) Теплопроводность (что делает его полезным для изоляции) и химическая стойкость.
(4) Свойства, аналогичные стеклу.
(5) Долговечность и экономичность.

Обычная упаковка

1. Waterproof film + Woven bag, 20 tons for a 20′ container, 40 tons for 40GP
2. Waterproof film + Woven bag + Pallet, 15 tons for a 20′ container, 30 tons for 40GP
3. Waterproof film + Carton, 20 tons for a 20′ container, 40 tons for 40GP
4. Waterproof film + Carton + Pallet, 15 tons for a 20′ container, 30 tons for 40GP
For Fabric Woven Roving Fiberglass Cloth 200g

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